Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fashion Icon?: Awkward. Jenna

I grew up with MTV, like a lot of people, and it kind of saddens me that they aren't playing as much music anymore, but one show that I really love is Awkward. It's really funny and each character has something awesome about themselves. Plus I've always said, "Life is full of awkward moments" And this show proves it.
The main character Jenna Hamilton is a natural beauty with a layed back style that I think is very imitateble
 and should be.
She's always got a pony pulled to one side (that kind of reminds me of Katniss from the Hunger Games) and a really cute butterfly necklace on. Plus she's one of those prettier without makeup kind of people. which I'm all for.
Her's really isn't a fishtail braid, but I think it's a fancier version.
(me pre-bang cut and dye job)

One thing I really wanted but want even more now 'cause of Jenna is this gorgeous necklace:

Her's was a butterfly, but of course mine would be a moth.

✂ - - -

Saturday, September 22, 2012

OotD Deux + Lady In Red

So I dyed my hair red last night. It's a pretty dark red, so I like it. I feel bad for my hair though. In the past 5 years I've dyed it brown, then darkest brown, then an attempt at red, then bleached it 3 times within a month to try and get it back to my natural blond, but it was too light so then to red, and then back to brown, and now red again..... it's been through a lot. I kind of miss the way it used to be where I could just shampoo and be done. Now I HAVE to condition.

So onto Outfit of the Day, where you can see said hair.

White button earrings - Claires / ScarfShawlThing - Thrifted / Bird Crop Top - Target / Grey tank - Old Navy / Jeans - Target / Flats - Walmart

I went shoppin' with the boyfriend today and I got a 2 complements on my shirt
Anyways so I got some bras and a cute top and skirt from JCPenny.
(it's hard for me to find cute bras in my size (40B) and in the style I like but I'm so glad I found these, $30 for both!)


($20 and so adorable. they had three other colors that I loved, but I had to go with the purple)

And while at the mall I just had to stop at Bath and Body Works. I heard a ton of good stuff about their new fall sents. And boy am I in love. This candle >>>
is making our room smell SO yummy right now. I'm gonna sleep good tonight.

✂ - - -

Friday, September 21, 2012

First OotD

OotD: Outfit of the Day. if you didn't know.

Gotta Love the Black and White stripe!

Sweater - Oldnavy / Grey tank - Oldnavy / Jeans - Thrifted&ReSewn / Shoes - Walmart "Faded Glory" / Necklace - Ebay ($1chinabid)

Bonjour. Como t'appelle tu?

Hello interwebz!
This is gonna be my sad attempt at a Fashion Blog. 
First to introduce myself and say some other junk.

So I got the idea to do this blog from seeing this young lady's: http://therubylotus.wordpress.com/
I like her unique style, plus if I met her in real life I'd be like, "You're strange.... I like you." and then give her an awkward hug. yep. ***Update:29June2012, Now that Ruby has dropped her fashion blog and become a "feminist" I don't suggest visiting her pages anymore unless you want her femanazi friends belittling you like they did me****

Anyways my name is Chelsie and I'm kind of really struggling will personal identity right now even though I'm 23 and I should have gotten over that in High School, but what-evs, I still look like I'm 17, so I'll just run with it. Being plus sized it's hard to be a trend setter or a fashionista or what have you; but I think that's one of the main reasons I want to start this blog. To show that fat/chubby people can do fashion just as well as stick people. It's gonna be hard, especially on a lower budget (no Torrid or LaneBryant prices for me, no sir), but I'm gonna try my damnedest, while trying to maintain my 24 hour job and 2 youtube channels. 

One thing I really pride in myself is how crafty I am, so that will definitely be an addition to this blog fursure. (thus tying in my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/RagPrincessSews). I have a strong love for sewing as well, and I've been really urged to try to sew my own clothes, so lets see how that goes...

So now onto another subject that I will probably, maybe, idk address in this blog in the future is BANGS.
I recently cut mine super short. Like Betty Paige-ish style. Trying to be daring and edgy. But now that I look at them I HATE /slash/ Kind-of-like them. 
It might have to do with the in-between hair colors I have going on right now, but I'm not sure. I either 1) look at it and think "Gawd, my face looks so fat and round without longer bangs". 2) "They're so uneven and wierd" 3) "It'll look better if  I dye it black or back to brown, or should I do red again...?!" or 4) "Hey there Wino. Lookin' goooooood." >> Obviously talking about Winona Ryder from Beettlejuice.
Honestly I have no idea what to do with my bangs, but it'll work out eventually. I hope.

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