Saturday, June 29, 2013

An Update.

I haven't posted in a long while, MONTHS, and I am sorry. I have about 4 draft posts sitting here unfinished and waiting, but I will get to those later. First an update!

December 9th was my Birthday, 24, and also happened to be the Mourning Market in Seattle. I had been wanting to go for years but it always landed around my birthday and I had previous plans, but finally got the chance this past year! I got dressed up all fancy!

Finally got to wear the key skirt I bought at Target months before. And the top I bought to "match" with it I wore to my birthday dinner the night after the Market (no pics me wearing it, sorry). Plus I finally got to own one of these beauties. I've been a fan of Fable And Fury for years on their Etsy, and I'm so glad to finally have one of their pieces.
I'm wearing the same top combo and tights from my last blog post (halloween costume). The vest is Old Navy, that I bought from Ebay. The boots are from Target in my "New Tattoo" post. And the jacket is reallllly old from Fred Meyers, I've added some patches on the back and shoulder sleeve over the years.
And you may think the mint green bow on the mini top hat (from Icings) may not match, but it's my favorite color and my nails were painted it at the time, you just can't see it.

In January I got inspired by this photo:
I got lots of great feedback on facebook when I posted it and decided on Jan 20th to take the plunge and try it! This is the result: 
I filmed the whole process:

I even drew an updated Chibi of myself to accommodate the new do.

(old)                                                                         (new)
 Since then I've had it trimmed just for the pure health of my hair, so many split ends, but I've been trying to upkeep the look and grow it out longer.

At the beginning of this month I bought my first ever Sakura-Con registration! I've been into Anime and Japanese culture for 10 years now and I've always wanted to go to an anime convention, April 2014 I will FINALLY get to go. So stay tuned for Cosplay posts. Which speaking of....
Sept 2012 I went to PAX And never posted about it. So here we go.
I went to the Penny Arcade Expo with my boyfriend and a few of his friends. It was my very first time going to a video game convention so I didn't know what to expect, but I was definitely prepared to cosplay.
 I went as Ramona Flowers, and Kenny as Scott Pilgrim. I think we did a pretty good job, and I love couples cosplay. Kenny's outfit was thrown together with clothing items he already had (including my jacket from Old Navy). The only added touch was the Ramona head doodle I drew on his shirt with a Sharpie. My outfit however took a bit of time and craftiness. 
Lets start from head to toe. The wig I bought at Party City. The goggles were made using a headband, paint, and plastic saftey goggles from the Dollar Tree. The necklace was made by me, with perler beads and a pink chain. The jacket was thrifted, tank top / Old Navy, Shorts / Fahion Bug, Pink tights / Lane Bryant, Boots / made from demons 'cause they hurt my feet hurt like crazy and I threw them out as soon as I got home, And finally the bag was made by me from supplies from Joann's Craft Store. Here's a vlog of my experience in case you were wondering more about the non-fashion aspect of it:

Welp. I think that's most of the important stuff. Now onto the Drafts mentioned earlier. I will be slowly finishing them in the next month to come. So stay tuned for that. And please note that most of them may seem out of date, like talking about Fall type trends in the summer. But that's purely my fault. And I still believe they will be awesome fashionable posts, in my opinion :]

✂ - - -